Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Snow, Life, and Other Random Things


I'm so proud of myself for keeping up with my blog! I would really like to do Vlogs (video blogs) but, I'm not sure many people would watch them. (I don't think many people read my blog either. Ha! The only one I know of is Esther. (I luv you, Esther. ;D)

Yesterday, It snowed. It's the 3rd of March now and it was snowing! The weather is getting ridiculous. Seriously. I am so sick of rain, snow, ice, and cold! I'm ready for summer already! Flip flops, laying in the sun (which I so desperately need. I'm starting to look albino. O_o), and riding in the car with the windows down. <3 That's one of my favorite things to do. I love driving with the windows down. (It's supposed to save on gas too. I don't know if that's really true or not though.)

So, my life is like super amazing right now. I have so much exciting stuff going on that I would LOVE to tell you about but, I think I'll wait a while to blog about it.

To be continued...