Friday, July 16, 2010

Pieces of Me

Justin got a car today. It's a '97 Honda Accord. He picked it up at 3:00 today. He ALWAYS texts me when he gets off work until he calls me. Today, I've talked to him for about an hour in all. He's been driving, buying stuff for his car, and hanging with his friends from school. AND he's going to the movies with Thomas and Stony (2 of his friends) right now. So, that means I won't get to talk to him until about 12 or so tonight. For some reason this really saddens me. I feel all left out and junk. This brings me to my next point.

I NEED SOME FRIENDS!!! It's been almost a year since I hung out with someone other than my family or my boyfriend. I haven't had a "girl's night" in years. This makes me very sad. Life just isn't as glorious without girl (space) friends. *Friends that are girls rather. It makes me wanna... No. I will not cry. I. Will. Not. Cry. I've done to much of that today anyway. I just wanna move and get a job. Then I won't have tome to sit around and sulk about my sad life. Perfect solution don't cha think?

Anyway. I'm done being emo for now. I'm gonna go eat some junk food and watch a chick flick now.

Peace, love, and ... BEN AND JERRY'S ICE CREAM!! :D

*Side Note: I have no clue what the title of this has to do with the actual post. I just thought it went well with the picture. (:


Esther said...


A girl needs friends.

Thing is when we used to try to get you to hang you would never come, so I guess we gave up.

Doesn't mean we decided we didn't want you was just that you never came, so figured you didn't want to come.

Esther said...

I meant that comment not in a mean way. Was just trying to say people do like you fine.

Shell and Sharri talk about missing you all the time.