Thursday, August 19, 2010

Things I Am Loving/Disliking

Things I'm Loving

*Drinking chocolate milk in my big plastic Steak 'N Shake cups

*Waking up before everyone so I can do school work in peace.

*Wearing bronzer

*My long flowy skirts <3

*Plain Jane; a new tv show

*My new Sunday-School class

*Wearing the color purple

*Wearing my hair curly

*Headbands with bows on them

*Painting my nails odd colors. (Blue, silver, etc.)

*Singing harmony (Took me forever to learn how, finally got the hang of it.)

*Big purses

*Anything zebra print

*Writing blogs (when I actually have things worth writing about.) [This doesn't count, does it?]

*New "hairdo's"

*Wearing heels (:


Things I'm Disliking

*Exremely hot weather. (So hot you die as soon as you walk outside.)

*Not getting to see my boyfriend

*My face breaking out (Extremely dislike.)

*Having bad vision

*Still not having my license, or a job.

*Not having my license or a job all because we can't sell our house. :(

Anyone wanna buy a house? :D

OH! OH! Did anyone else notice the letter 'E' on the 'Hate' brick looks like pacman?

~Hales (:


P€®f€©+_¡n§@n¡+¥ said...

Ha ha it does look like pacman! ^_^ So where am I on this list ;) lol